Monday, September 28, 2020

Falls at Saint Mary Wilderness


sign for Saint Mary wilderness

The trail head is about 25 minutes drive from the Fenton Inn.  It is a windy road that will end at the trail head with a small parking area.  The easier route goes through Vesuvius which despite its name sake, is not a volcano, but a small town near a rail road track.  This route is mostly on paved road from 56 and the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Mountain rocks

The waterfall is about 2 miles in.  Expect to get your shoes wet on the stream crossings.  The first few are easier to stay dry on, but at some point it is just easier and safer to get wet rather than balancing on wet rocks in the stream.

Clear stream

The stream is clear and inviting, but very very cold.  Even on a hot day, you need to prepare for the cold shock therapy.

Pass of stones in a water

One of the four stream crossings, depending on the rainfall and water level it is an easy crossing.

Wild Mushrooms

There were a lot of wild mushrooms, but not being an expert, I never pick the wild ones.

Swimming pond with a tree in front

The first little waterfall and swimming spot.  I took a while to get in slowly, others jumped from the rock shelf and got it over quickly.


The main waterfall and swimming hole is more popular in summer, and the jump is over 10 feet into the cold water.  People cheer and watch from the cliffs around it.  

Person swimming in a falls

No one swims for too long in the cold water, but it will leave you feeling super awake and energized for the hike back down the trail.